Tuesday, 11 September 2012

The great white north, America's hat, the motherland, Canadia!

I'm off to the motherland today, taking an incredibly long journey by bus, plane, metro, another bus, a ferry and then a car, to visit my family and brand new niece in Canada.  I'm very excited and can't wait to hold a sweet little baby!

I'll be leaving my Etsy shop open in the meantime, and like I did when I was gone this summer, I'm offering a 15% discount to anyone who purchases from me while I'm gone (between September 10th-30th)!

That Etsy shop address is of course -----> www.coryographies.etsy.com

This worked really well for me last time and I came home to a big long list of things to make for lovely people :)  I hope to do it again!

I'm making my little niece a baby blanket - I thought I'd share the videos with you here if anyone wants to crochet along!  Mine is pastel yellow and green, with a pink trim.  It's a really fun pattern and different from anything I've tried before... and really easy for this beginner:

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