Friday, 19 April 2013

Happy Two Year Anniversary to Coryographies! 15% off discount to celebrate!

Happy anniversary, Coryographies!

Coryographies celebrates it's 2 year anniversary tomorrow!  I began selling my little Fimo creations on April 20th, 2011.  I had no idea that two years later I would still be playing with 'playdoh for grown-ups', and even supporting myself and having a small business that allowed me to be brave enough to start a PhD in the Fall and survive with its proceeds.
Coryographies has to date made over 800 sales to over 20 countries, and 46 US states!  Coryographies items are sold in the wonderful In With The Old in Islington, London, and will be appearing soon at an exhibition in Oxford.  I'm very proud and happy of what it has become.

So to celebrate with you, I'm offering 15% everything in my Etsy shop this Friday Saturday and Sunday only, to celebrate Coryographies turning Two!  Type in the coupon code 'YayTwo' at point of purchase and make me work hard sawing and sanding and painting and varnishing all next week in celebration and enjoyment of making my Coryographies jewellery! :)

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