Monday, 9 September 2013

I'm back from being Indiana Jones! Now back to being Kirstie Allsopp...

I've returned!  Sorry for being away so long, but I went to France for 6 weeks of archaeological excavation in the run up to starting my PhD in Archaeology this month.  Phew!  You know, just a regular summer.

Check out my badass gangster style handkercheif on my
hand - a result of trowelling too hard for too long and
 now my thumb dislocates often. Whoopsie! 
The archaeologists even made the local news!
I'm also sorry that I've closed my shop for so long, and for the first time since it's opened in 2011!  I was working in a office through the summer, and it was getting to be too much to balance both.  Last summer I kept my shop open while I was away doing archaeology, but since this time it was for an even longer stint, I thought it was best to hang up the 'closed' sign, especially since I'm in the midst of moving and the reopening wont be happening until October 1st.

But yes!  October 1st!  That will be the grand reopening of Coryographies.  Please stay tuned.  I have to get all of my materials out of storage and get back to work before then, which will be a challenge.  I may be buried in boxes for a while.  But we can make this work.  I'm so excited to get back to crafting, I've been away from the saw and the glue and the Fimo for too long!

While I was away, and during a routine scouting of Etsy and the internet, I have come across another seller that makes bookshelf jewellery as well!

Hmmm, looks a bit similar!!  No, not the tacos.

Hmm, interesting! That makes us three now.  But I claim originality ;)

So yes... I'm back, stay tuned. Which box has my saw???

1 comment:

  1. Yours are much cooler - I love the teeny teapots! Welcome back :-)
